Generosity in loss
It would have been cause for celebration if we weren’t so conscious of the tragedy behind the gift.
It’s not just a food truck
Why does Kairos need a food truck?
We don’t. Our clever team has other ideas.
Is there such a thing as too much chocolate?
We found ourselves asking a question most of us thought we would never have to ask.
“What do you do when you have too much chocolate?”
Getting Back to Work
Life wasn’t working out so great for Liam. He had made some unfortunate choices, got mixed up with gangs, lost his driving license. By the time he wound up at Kairos, his prospects weren’t looking good.
Too Good For Me
Kairos’ move to indoor premises late last year opened up opportunities. In the weeks following the new changes, we discovered something surprising.
Ben’s Baskets
Ben has been coming to Kairos Free Store for awhile now. It’s not just about the food. It’s also about connection. And Kairos is a place where Ben feels that he belongs — so much so that he wanted to be a part of the team.
Shout-Out to Boss, Hanham & Elevate
Kairos would like to give a big shout-out to the big three who helped us with our move to our current premises on Tuam Street.
Hungry for an Education
“Over the last months we are finding more and more of our tamariki are coming into preschool without sufficient food for the day and often without having had breakfast in the morning.”
Mate, What’s with all the containers?
If you have ever taken a stroll through Kairos Free Store or Kairos Food Rescue warehouse, you may have noticed that we use shipping containers for just about everything.
Sponsor Shout-Out: Jacobsen
Just letting you know we’ve got a full roll of vinyl and weld rod for you, free of charge.
Sometimes You Just Need to Be There
Murray pounded on the door of Kairos. But it wasn’t food that he needed.
Sometimes you just have to be there.
An Independent Woman
Becks never needed anything from anyone. Sure, life wasn’t always easy, but Becks had it covered. She worked hard. She saved where she could. And she NEVER asked for help from anyone.
National Party Visit: Food For Thought
Kairos was thrilled to host a visit from members of the National Party, prior to their Christchurch public meeting on 23 March. Delegates included Deputy Leader Nicola Willis, MP Tama Potaka of Hamilton West and Dale Aotea Stephens from Christchurch.
The NZ Food Crisis
We’re seeing empty shelves at the supermarket and rising prices at the checkout. It’s just something else we’ll learn to deal with.
Or is it?
Hungry in a flash car
Life has a way of throwing plot twists. You never know someone’s story until you ask.
Sponsor Shout-Out: March Construction
March donated some money but wanted to do more.
”Actually,” we said, “we need a sewer pipe.”
”Well,” they responded. “That’s what we do.”
You Never Know
Our volunteers are special people. Many come in and pitch in, asking nothing in return. They love doing what they do because they love giving to the community and helping people. But you never know who is going to need your help.
We Just Can’t do it
Mike and Emily are not extravagant, but they’ve always had enough for themselves and their two kids to get by.
Until they didn’t.