Feed the Hungry.
Save the planet.
Cafes & Restaurants in NZ throw away
24,372 TON
of food annually
That’s 2.8 tonnes per business per year. Here at Kairos Food Rescue, we work with eateries to reduce food waste and stop it going to landfill. We collect your left overs at the end of the business day and give it away to those in need. This happens all with minimal hassle to you.
It is a win-win to both the cafe and the community.
Reduce Waste
Contribute to the community
Make a difference
Carbon reduction
“We have been working with Kairos Free Strore for two years now. Reducing food waste is important to us but even more important is the opportunity to make a difference to people who might be struggling on a budget.”
— Christchurch Cafe Owner
How it works:
Our designated volunteers collect leftover food from you once or twice a week by mutual agreement.
The Kairos Free Store is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Anyone who needs to can come and take home some items to supplement their grocery budget and diet.
There is no pressure to give if you do not have any leftovers but if you do, it is a fantastic use of these items that might have gone to waste.
Are you considering contributing to Kairos Food Rescue?
Do you have leftover food in your eatery at the end of the day?
Talk to us about how we can work together to make a difference in the everyday lives of Christchurch folk.